About Us

Cub Scouts is a program devoted to youth (boys & girls) who are in Kindergarten – 5th grade or are ages 5-11 years old providing fun and educational experience concerned with values. Besides providing a positive place where children can enjoy safe, wholesome activities, Cub Scouting focuses on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service.


WE NEED YOU! The only way to make our Pack run as efficiently as possible is to rely on our parent volunteers. There are several events during the year that need help from all of the parents in the Pack, as well as den specific events. We expect all parents to participate in and help plan at least two events throughout the year. We are all volunteers!

All parents are also expected to teach Adventures in their child’s Den throughout the year.  Each Den will decide how they would like to have parents participate and sign up.  Due to parent’s large involvement in our Pack, we encourage all parents to take the BSA Youth Protection Training in order to know our Pack’s expectation of our leaders to protect our children. This can be completed at my.scouting.org.

Weekly Den Meetings

Meetings are held at Red Mountain United Methodist Church on Power Road just North of McDowell. We meet in the building on the West side of campus. Please make sure your Scout is in their complete uniform with their Scout handbook. After a brief flag presentation, Scouts will break up into smaller, grade specific, groups and for their Den meeting. At 8:00 p.m., parents must pick up their Scout in this room. At this time we will review any necessary information/homework with you.


If your Scout is absent from a Den meeting, he/she will need to make up the activities on their own and enter the completed Adventure requirements into Scoutbook in order to earn that achievement.

Pack Meetings

Once a month, we hold a Pack Meeting in Madson Hall. Cub Scouts AND parents/family are asked to attend these as your Scout will be recognized and sometimes be performing. It is so important to your Scout for you to be there and we do not want you to miss out! As a Den, we are responsible to provide refreshments at two of the Pack meetings. Each Scout will need to bring something to share on that particular night.

Parent & Leader Meetings

Our Pack Committee is made of up of the leaders and parents in our Pack.  Once a month, the leaders and any parents meet together to plan and discuss upcoming events and activities. At the Parent & Leader meeting, reports from the Cubmaster, Den Leaders, Treasurer and others help keep everyone informed.

The Best Pack in Mesa!